
The European Association for Coal and Lignite – EURACOAL – is the umbrella organisation of the European coal industry. The association can trace its roots back to 1952 when the Comité d’étude des producteurs de charbon d’Europe occidentale (CEPCEO) was established. EURACOAL evolved in 2002 from the Comité Européen des Combustibles Solides (CECSO) after the expiry of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community. See History for more information.

EURACOAL has 24 members and observers including national coal associations and companies, research institutes and post-mining bodies. Representatives at EURACOAL meetings come from 14 countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye and Ukraine.

EURACOAL’s mission is to highlight the importance of coal to security of energy supply, energy price stability, economic added value, environmental protection and climate goals.  EURACOAL seeks to be an active communicator, with the aim of creating an appropriate framework within which the EU coal industry and coal consumers can operate.

EURACOAL has three active Committees:

  • Energy and Environment Policy Committee
  • Market Committee
  • Technical Research Committee

An active leader of many initiatives

EURACOAL is officially represented in the EU RFCS Coal Advisory Group (DG Resarch & Innovation).

EURACOAL is an official participant in the European Commission Sectoral Social Dialogue – Extractive Industries (DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion).

EURACOAL participates in the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition, the related Just Transition Platform and co-organised the Coal Dialogue with the European Commission (DG Energy and DG Regional and Urban Policy).

EURACOAL supports the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine.

EURACOAL co-operates with Members of the European Parliament, and ran the cross-party European Round Table on Coal.

EURACOAL organises meetings, such as the International Coal Dialogue and other topical workshops.

EURACOAL is a member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance and the European Raw Materials Alliance.

EURACOAL informs and works with many stakeholders, notably:

  • European Commission (DG Energy, DG Research & Innovation, DG Competition and DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion)
  • European Parliament (ITRE and ENVI committees)
  • European Economic & Social Committee (CCMI – Consultative Commission on Industrial Change)
  • International Energy Agency
  • World Coal Association